Compare Your Small Business Expense to National Averages-No Obligation!

Have you ever wondered how your business expenses and priorities stack up to other small businesses. If so, we would be pleased to provide you with a copy of the 2017 Small Business Survey conducted by BizBuySell, the nation’s largest marketplace for business sale transactions.

Did you also know that ValueSource Business Advisors, through the standing monthly subscription we have as a Premier Business Broker, exposes your confidential business listing with us on over 150 digital business opportunity sites across the nation? Sites that include the Wall Street Journal, major market Business Journals, and most of the prominent business for sale web portals.

If you are seeking to sell your business, learn its valuation, or are looking for a business to buy, please contact us for free consultation.

To obtain your no obligation copy of this informative report, email me at and request a copy.

Ramon Sanchez-Vinas